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Sharon Kay Casey

I have enjoyed writing since I was very young. I started writing short stories and poems around the age of eight years old. Prior to that, I would recite little poems that my mother would write down for me.
I consider myself to be among the world’s down to earth, peace loving people. I love God, my family, and enjoy the outdoors and photography. I live a simple life in a small town in Central Valley California, where I share a home with two dogs, two turtles, one rabbit, and six cats. I have two grown daughters and five grandchildren. My family and I are very close knit; we pretty much do everything together. They are my best friends.
I have worked in the field of Information Technology for nearly twenty years. I have never considered myself a writer. When I read this story it does not seem I am the author at all. I enjoy sharing the inspiration that comes to me. There is much truth to share and so many ways to say it.
Sharing my experience of waking up in our home is my humble honor. I am so grateful the story will be available for everyone to experience Heaven with me.

Thank you,
Sharon Kay Casey

the Works of Sharon Kay Casey