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Taylor Fenner

TAYLOR FENNER is the author of ten Young Adult and New Adult novels and novellas. Her Young Adult Fantasy Retelling, CURSEBREAKER was shortlisted for the 2017 Ozma Award for Fantasy Fiction and her standalone fantasy novel, MONSTERS & MIST is a Literary Titan Silver Book Award Winner and was also shortlisted for the 2021 Ozma Award for Fantasy Fiction.

Taylor is a thirty-year-old book junkie who devours books in most genres, although she has a soft spot for thrillers and horror novels.

Taylor lives in Clintonville, Wisconsin with family and her escape artist cat, Houdini and her bernedoodle Toby who thinks he's a cat. Besides writing, she loves horror movies - she says classic horror is the best - as well as cooking, Heath bar lattes, bullet journaling, and obsessively planning for Halloween starting in July (it’s never too early). You can follow Taylor on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.

the Works of Taylor Fenner