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Michael Hunter McVay

Michael Hunter McVay is a retired art instructor, a miniaturist, and the author of the full color, full version, 469 page "Little Boy Black & Blue" and the three smaller editions which came first, "Michael, Little Boy Black & Blue: Surviving the Effects of a Poisonous Child Abuser," (part one), and "Michael, Little Boy Blacker & Bluer II," then finally, "Complex PTSD & Me: Surviving the Effects of a Poisonous Child Abuser III," which are all non-fiction stories of absolute chaos.

The mostly fiction, "The Repulsive Tales of Wayward Fern: When Drinking & Thinking Don’t Mix," came next.

A professionally trained art teacher, Michael, has illustrated several books and an award-winning book cover for the Mississippi Community College Creative Writing Association. As well as an artist, Michael has written short stories and plays for all ages. He taught school as an art teacher and as an elementary school teacher until recently retiring after the tragic death of his beloved mother. He writes real, true-life LGBTQIA+ stories of love, deception, passion, torment, abuse, torture, lust, betrayal, and joy with a tinge of humor and inspiration from the heart. Maybe a tad of sarcasm when necessary. Non-fiction, Fiction & Memoirs.

His memoir, "Little Boy Black & Blue: A Survival Story - Full version," was written as an account of the trials and tribulations of his excessively abusive and violent childhood. Adult survivors of child abuse typically develop serious health conditions later in their lives. Michael suffers from Meniere's Disease, complex PTSD, BDD, and a host of other conditions because of the decades of abuse he endured throughout his life.

Michael lost his father at a young age to suicide. He and his mother, both, attempted suicide during their years spent with a psychotic maniacal abuser, his brutal stepfather. Through his writing, Michael shows us his sense of humor even during the darkest of times. While he reveals horrendous episodes of abuse in some of his writing, he shares what was going on in his head as it was happening, often remaining calm at the worst of times and finding humor while scratching out of a deep pit. He developed unique coping mechanisms and created a secret hidden world as his retreat from the horrors of daily abuse. Read about this bizarre and chaotic life!

Michael spends his retirement writing and building highly detailed miniature structures in sunny California.

the Works of Michael Hunter McVay