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Florian Dreveskracht

The author grew up as a hayseed in the German state of Lower Saxony. During his course of study in Mathematics he developed a curious interest in books, libraries and the Old Masters. He discovered the 'Aleph', as he later christened it, by chance in 2013 while endeavoring to symbolically chart the knowledge of the World and all History on a piece of paper. The drawing had to spend another four years in a desk drawer until he slowly recognized its actual significance, and therewith began to conceive a lecture which, after countless nights of burning the midnight oil, finally yielded the manuscript for a book in 2019/20 (German edition). The Post Scriptum: written as the final section of Novus Ordo after the turning point of March 2020 – makes the prophet of the “Iron Age” also its herald. His adage: Nec laudibus nec timore (Neither by praise nor fear of man shall you moved).

the Works of Florian Dreveskracht