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Sally Carbon

Sally Carbon at five, in 1973, was asked to shift to Germany, sans parents, to join the East German gymnastics movement. After a resounding 'no' from her parents she enjoyed ballet through to being asked to join the Australia Ballet in Sydney at age 13. At the same time, she was in the West Australian junior athletics team and the under 16 (field) hockey team. The team sport of hockey won out through to success playing hockey for the Australian senior team from 1987--- getting a goal with her first touch of the ball, and a hat-trick in that first game against Korea---exactly one year before the Seoul Olympics. She continued for nine years playing for Australia for 125 internationals, was in the Australian Institute of Sport for 11 years, went to two Olympics and two World Cups, and won an Olympic gold medal and World Cup gold and silver medal, three gold medals at the best-in-the-world Champion’s Trophy, and 11 national titles with Western Australia. She studied maths and phys ed at university, re-studied in business strategy, and was asked by the Prime Minister to join the board of the Australian Sport, where she served for nine years. She’s proud to have raised over $50 million per year for sport through the Australian Sports Foundation, where she served as a Director for 11 years. She is a fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, sits on three other private company boards, is a Chairman of a WA firm, runs her own company “Green Eleven” (her playing number) consulting in business strategy, execution and high performance. She has now written nine books. She, along with her football coaching husband, Michael Broadbridge, have three big kids.

the Works of Sally Carbon