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Mark  Donnelly

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For the benefit of readers who wish to appreciate a "real" writer who struggles to maintain my writing goals on the bad days, I'll share a few details with you.

Mark Twain said, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”

True. Indeed, the robust writer who is conditioned with finding out why their characters were born will accept without qualms a lavish array of reasons, and the great writers will be shocked, and will in no way dilute that experience for their readers.

It is my quest to be a great writer. But it has been a tragic tale so far. The cynical readers may say well work harder. And they're right. The great mountain of excellence works me hard, and never excuses itself for training me as a mountaineer. As a work of art, the great mountain reminds me of Daniel's dream of a great statue whereby the feet are built of iron and clay, the legs shaped of iron, the torso formed of silver, and the head fashioned of gold. Most writers never make it past the iron and clay, and this is where I am, but I'm starting to create some new tools that hopefully will propel me past those Herculean thighs.

For in this "Rocky" personal pursuit there lurks a general lesson of determination, one where the wayward writer, the headstrong author, and the panting editor each have their place alongside me, and they point out to me with great vigilance and vision why I became a writer in the first place: to entertain, and that is why my characters were born.

the Works of Mark Donnelly