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Amanda Owen

Amanda Owen is the author of "The Power of Receiving: A Revolutionary Approach to Giving Yourself the Life You Want and Deserve" (Tarcher/Penguin, 2011) and "Born to Receive: 7 Steps Women Can Take Today to Reclaim Their Half of the Universe" (Tarcher/Penguin, 2014)

With a background in social work and a twenty-five year practice as a counselor, Amanda has been presenting lectures and workshops since the mid-eighties.

N.Y. Times best-selling author Christiane Northrup, MD calls Amanda’s power-of-receiving philosophy “brilliant, elegant, profound, and enormously practical,” Maria Shriver calls her work “insightful,” and Elaine Shamos, the Director of The Women's Health Resource Center at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center says “Amanda's presentation skills are outstanding and, most importantly, her message is life-changing.”

Connect with Amanda at www.AmandaOwen.com

the Works of Amanda Owen