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Pamela  Martin

Pamela Martin writes thriller novels and is an outspoken pundit who squares off on subjects of intriguing debate. Pamela served as Chairwoman of the Luxury Marketing Council in Texas and is a partner at De la Rosa Holdings since 1997. She supports numerous charities and her passion besides writing is nature and the outdoors. Pamela's interest in writing bloomed as a young adult, early on she was fascinated with the Watergate hearings, conspiracy theories, government coverups like 911, the Kennedy assassination, MK Ultra & the Secret Space programs. Pamela has a degree in business, has studied law and is licensed in real estate. She enjoys sharp shooting and archery.

In her debut novel Hard Whispers, you find yourself in a first rate thriller that wraps you in a covert plot of government action, classicism, and modern espionage that will keep readers turning pages long into the night.

Waking The Dragon, Martin's second novel delivers a one two punch with the series main character Pamela Graham back in action - dodging men in black suits while fighting paranoia - she is on a mission to save her father and stop a plot to assassinate a presidential candidate. As a planned rescue turns into a fiery ambush Ms.Graham uncovers a deadly act of betrayal that spans the globe.

Waking the Dragon comes packed with the twists and intrigue in true Pamela Martin style.


the Works of Pamela Martin