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Rajesh Nanoo

Born and Brought up in Kerala/South India. Age 40, Marital status - Single. Hold an Academic Degree in Commerce.

From childhood onwards, I had a deep inclination towards spirituality. After the studies, I was fully engrossed on mastering subtle philosophies (like Vedas, Zen, Sufism, Taoism, Buddhism etc), Semitic philosophy (Judaism, Christianity, Islam etc) and Healing modalities (Reiki, Yoga, Herbalism, Naturopathy). Acquired a Master Degree in alternative medicine and practiced as healer for chronic diseases and also did counseling.

This study was completed at the age of 25, so I moved on to Multimedia and learned the fundamentals of computer programming. Soon, I was evolved to don many roles starting with Author, Poet, Column writer, Motivational Speaker, Freelance Designer, ArtDirector, CreativeDirector, ScriptWriter and Director.

Even after all these metamorphose, unto now, I define myself only as a spiritual person as the greatest power in me is spirituality. It is due to the spiritual power, I could easily evolve to many roles.Just like the person who is called in the different names as per his roles, father, son,husband, friend,lover,employer etc or like a water when poured into different vessels or glasses gets that particular shape, similarly every work I did, from creativity to healing was a transitions of spirituality as to suit that particular format. In every work I did, from creativity to healing, this spiritual undercurrent can be clearly traced. Due to this mentality I do every work, not as a work but as worship, with utmost sincerity, hard working and deep focus.

Interests & Passions - Socialnetworking, blogging, microblogging, networking, musicdesigning, reading, researching, analyzing and watching movies

the Works of Rajesh Nanoo