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Anna Faversham

I have lived most of my life in Kent, England but I’ve also lived in New Zealand and central Africa. Both had a lasting influence. Africa dragged my love of writing to the surface. Living some forty miles from the nearest tarmac road and seventy from anything pretending to be a bookshop, I soon ran out of bedtime stories for the children. Scribbling began.

On returning to England, fiction had to take a back seat as real life took over, you know the sort of thing - a proper job to keep feeding the mortgage and the growing family, and chores, chores and more chores. But a love of writing finally erupted into regular tap-tapping. I've written and read for the BBC and published short stories.

Finally, a little more time was found, five novels have been completed, and more are in the pipeline. I like to include interesting facts in my writing and it is often the case that fact is stranger than fiction, as you probably know. The first book to be published was Hide in Time, a time travel romance. The second book was inspired by the smugglers’ caves I visited as a child, and the third is a sequel set in the ‘diamond isle’ – the Isle of Wight (due late summer 2016).

And what do people say about the books?

“A clever mixture of suspense, romance and time travel” - Hide in Time
“Dark romantic mystery on a knife edge throughout” - One Dark Night.


the Works of Anna Faversham