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Chrys Phillips

Chrys Phillip’s career, took on a serendipitous successful path, on a hot summers evening in 2010. Chrys was not sure what career path to continue with, being a mother to a young daughter, and it was in this moment at around 1am that the creativity and imagination of a humble coastal town called Lakeview was born. “I remember it distinctly. The air conditioner had stopped working and I was thinking of being somewhere else and the town of Lakeview came to my mind, with its sea breezes and magical undertones. I stared out of my bedroom window to the moon and decided that on the thirds moon's eclipse the Magic Wars would ignite! I was enthusiastically writing this down. The ideas of characters and stories for a series had me not sleeping the entire night, as I wanted to write the story that was flowing and I fell in love with the characters instantly! It was nearly sunrise and I had to take my daughter to school and I remember telling her about this story and she loved it! I knew this was a story I had to write and I named one of the characters Miki, after my daughter Mikaela.”

Magic Wars: Revengeful Heart (later in second edition retitled Wicked Love) soared to popularity on social media as the characters of the book series, had their own profiles and tweeted interacting on live chats with fans and twitter parties. It was a phenomenon, selling over a million ebooks within months as an independent debut author.

When not writing, Chrys is directing tv shows and movies and traveling the world with her daughter. She is passionate about the arts and her philanthropy and is a self-proclaimed chocolate and movie addict.

the Works of Chrys Phillips