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Nate Parks

Nathan Parks is not just an author of The Nephelium, but also has a long extensive background in many different aspects of life. Having served in the U.S. military for about nineteen years, Nathan also spends time in with his family, and enjoying the outdoors, and continually looking for inspiration for his upcoming novels.
Many individuals have asked where I received the inspiration for my newly published novel, and the sequel that I am currently working on. I grew up in a religiously dogmatic atmosphere, and many times was left with my imagination to entertain myself. In doing so, I also began to look deeper into subjects that many just took for granted. As all of us are, my life was changed many times over by the choices of people, and also the questioning of faith. Through these moments the stories of The Eternals began to emerge. The first book in the series, The Nephelium, reaches out and takes a hold of you, and you don't just read the book, but can feel the very heartbeat of those you are reading about. I believe the reason for this is because within this book everyone can find someone they relate to. It may be Eve, the tattoo artist, who wants to find something to attach herself too, but also is not sure if she is willing to allow anyone close enough. Maybe it is Leah, the Alliance Leader, who stands strong for her beliefs and allegiances, but discovers the strong unbending loyalty may actually be the very thing that will destroy her. If not those two there are so many other deep enriching characters that will allow you to walk with them as you open up this novel.

the Works of Nate Parks