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Deyth Banger

If you want to change what's akready known... done and people are again and again doing you can detect it here. Inside in my works, you can put me in categories geek and nerd and even and gamer, if it can help to understand better my aspects, point of views, stories, analysis.


- The problem of TV is that it's bound into repeation, what you watch now ... you have already saw it. Games, sports = Brain Wash. The same over and over, around the suspense moments the TV movie or series stop... then comes the ads. (This happen all the times no exceptions)

- Time losing
- Waste Of Time
- All types of = "The same shit"
- Limited
- Not having a lot of choices


Under teachers always in my mind come the types of people who are full of rage, agression, bad behavior... bad mood and etc.

- I like to analysis such aspects and too see the deeper stuff of all this actions and reactions.


Depends of the mood in which I am, sometimes I like to run, others to walk.

Distance: 19 Km
Time: 3 Hours and something

Distance: 26 Km
Time: 5 Hours and something


If it's about reasons, I want to make differences in this world. I don't want to be like the others, without anything behind.


Professional Reader

the Works of Deyth Banger