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Suzanne Rindell

Suzanne Rindell earned her PhD in English literature from Rice University in spring 2018. She is the author of the forthcoming historical mystery, THE TWO MRS. CARLYLES (July 28, 2020), as well as EAGLE & CRANE (2018), THREE-MARTINI LUNCH (2016) and THE OTHER TYPIST (2013). THE OTHER TYPIST has been translated into 15 languages and optioned for film by Fox Searchlight Pictures.

About my reviews/activity on Goodreads: Mama always said, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." If I read and like a book, I give it five stars here on Goodreads. That's why you don't see any other ratings from me (I swear that while I'm pretty bad with computers, I know how to click different amounts of stars, I just don't). When a book I liked stays on my mind, I may even write a sentence or two about why I liked it or jot down some little observation I made in the course of reading it that made me feel like a smarty pants. And yes, I've read plenty of books that I don't like. Sometimes I'm naughty and I don't even finish reading certain books. But life's too short to spend your time grousing about books you don't like when you could be talking about those you did like, and those that have inspired you. I'm a writer, not a professional reviewer. Personally, for me, it's much more rewarding to focus on the immense sea of wonderful books out there.

the Works of Suzanne Rindell