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Jonathan Epps

Washington, D.C.
"It doesn't matter how smart you are unless you stop and think." ~ Thomas Sowell

I'm either (too) late GenX or (too) early Millennial, depending on how you view these things. It's kind of a lost space in the culture. But here I am. I'm happily partnered to a good guy going on fifteen years.

I write realism though I work within genres, trying to break through those molds to write something original. I write about many things but never shy away from adult themes. No Winter Lasts Forever, my attempt at a tragic thriller, probably needs a major trigger warning. And two of the three short stories deal with two vastly different gay subcultures which include some explicit language.

I'm deeply appreciative of any and all of my readers. Thank god for Amazon and Goodreads. A handful of readers is way better than none.

the Works of Jonathan Epps