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Zechariah Barrett

In the heart of the midwest, we're surrounded by cornfields, soybean crops, and wheat galore. The prairie is tranquil. Dreamlike.

Yet I've always had a great desire to travel the world. The prairie is home, and much of the world can seem so alien in comparison. Being far from the ocean, I was awestruck the first time I took a plane overseas and when I walked along the shores of the Emerald Isles. It was so beautiful and refreshing. I've wanted to see more. I've wanted to see as much of the world as I can.

This desire to travel has often been coupled with two of my other greatest desires: to write and to be part of something greater than myself. I love to write, because even when I can't travel, a world can be created with just a pen and some paper.

The concept of the Detective Games series, for example, was something that really excited me, because of how diverse it could be. I envisioned detectives all across the globe, traversing exotic locales, and with thrilling cases to be solved.

With the desire to be a part of something greater than myself, I'm driven to make a difference in the world through writing, charity, and through the day to day of life. As my writing career expands, I'll be taking an active role in charitable causes and investing in those things which make way for a better tomorrow.

It's a privilege to have this community of readers. Thank you.

the Works of Zechariah Barrett