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Chinmai Swamy

Hi, I’m Chinmai Swamy, I help you to sell your advice online and get virtual clients to increase your income.

I am the creator of The Authority Launchpad...it’s a system that’s been used by coaches, experts and speakers to start their own business they are passionate about and earn a huge annual income. The system helps you to start and grow a business based on your existing knowledge, skills and abilities and empowers you to create an impact.

I have helped 921 individuals to start and own their own 6-figure Infoprepenur business they are proud of by using my strategies on brand building, product launches, sales sequences and ethical delivery systems. Along the way, I’ve worked alongside Raymond Aaron, Les Brown, Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Simon Coulson, Andy Harrington and dozens more transformational leaders...and I get excited about my clients I have helped quit their jobs and pursue their passion.

My life wasn't always like this I used to work at a job I hate and would come home each day and search for another job I did for 2 depressing years

Hence now I have decided to dedicate my life in helping you earn a huge annual income doing what you love.

the Works of Chinmai Swamy