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Jake Hollow

Jake Hollow is an Author.

His name is Gino DiCaprio (He's also known as Dovid Shimshon (Hebrew Name) and he was formally known as Jake Hollow between 2002-2007.

Jake (Pseudonym name) is not part of the PUA (Pick-Up Artist) community. He teaches how to discover yourself and the partners you should avoid, both for long/short term and one night stand.

Jake Hollow is considered a Inspirational Teacher, and the author of several books as “The Jake Hollow Guide on How to Persuade Women” geared for men, "Jake Hollow's Guide on How to Persuade Women - Revised Edition" that is geared for women, and his follow up title, "How to Deal with Emotions and the Life of a Motivational Speaker".

This account is on his old "Pen" name Jake Hollow before his big transformation as Gino DiCaprio (also an author).

All written work on Face Book or anywhere else are Jake Hollow/Gino DiCaprio, Copyright All Rights Reserved © 2007 -2016

the Works of Jake Hollow