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4 " So you knew Jack growing up?”
“I had a bit of a crush on him through the years, but there was nothing between us until much later when I ran into him at Stanford. I was getting my master’s degree in art history there, and he was working at a teaching hospital. As destiny would have it, I broke my sternum in a fall from a horse. My human friends insisted I go to the emergency room to get checked out. Of course I knew it would heal on its own, but I humored them anyway. Jack was my doctor that day.”
“So you began dating and got likenessed, or whatever?”
“The dating part followed the getting-likenessed part,” she explained. “He walked in, looked up from his clipboard, and there was a complete…mental connection. That’s the only way I can explain it. Likeness is a melding of minds and once it happens it can never be undone.”
Doing a quick rewind of what happened between Ian and myself during lunch, I cried out. “Oh, no! No!”

What? Brandy asked, mirroring my alarm.
“I think that mental connection, likeness thing, happened to me and Ian this afternoon,” I replied in a panic.
She pulled to the side of the road. “Calm down,” she said. “I would have sensed it if it had. Hang on—I did sense something.”
I couldn’t catch my breath. I was started to see stars.
“It wasn’t likeness, though,” she stated with certainty. “Explain exactly what happened.”
“Ian used his joining on me during lunch. It was supposed to be a shortcut to show me how joinings work. Things started out fine, everything was all business, but then it took a turn.”
“So what’s the problem?” she asked.
“The problem is…it turned into some kind of weird mind-kissing thing. That sounds crazy, but there is nothing else I can compare it to. "

, Atlantis Rising (Atlantis Rising, #1)

10 " Without looking up, he moved his backpack from the chair next to him and waved me toward him. His blond head was bent over a book.
“Are you planning to ignore me all lunch hour because you’re mad about what happened in class?” I asked.
“No,” he said. “I just want to finish this book.”
“How can you be absorbed in a book when Luke Stentorian is on the loose and Sebastian is on the verge of finding me? And when I say me, I mean us.
“Like Brandy said, the best course of action right now is to act normal. Besides, this is a great book.”
I checked the cover. He was reading The Man in the Iron Mask. Not a light read, and he was nowhere near the end. I didn’t want to sit around twiddling my thumbs for the rest of lunch period, so I decided to practice my skills. I formed the thought I’d like to see the Eiffel Tower and wrapped it around the thoughts in Ian’s mind. The rebound made me draw a painful breath, but he looked up and into the distance.
“What’s up?” I asked innocently.
“It’s weird,” he said. “I was just thinking about the Eiffel Tower. I’ve seen it before—twice, actually. I wasn’t very impressed either time.”
“I’m getting better and better at this.”
“It was you,” he said with a grin. “Try it again.”
When I accessed his mind next, I could tell he was watching for me, but I quickly wrapped I think I’ll have tofu lasagna for dinner around his thought strand. Expecting the rebound, I steadied myself before it hit.
“No way!” he said. "

, Atlantis Rising (Atlantis Rising, #1)