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3 " All the Substantial commands explicit or implicit of former Covenants of Faith, are as obligatory and binding to us now under the New Covenant, as formerly they were to Gods people under any Covenant on whom they were first imposed. As former Promises are still Consolatory to us in regard of Covenant-Mercies from God: So former Commands Explicit or Implicit are obligatory to us in regard of Covenant-Duties to God. The Analogy and proportion betwixt these two is evident. Are not we as strongly obliged now under the New Covenant; To fight against the Serpent, that in Christ we may bruise his head; as well as Adam? To believe Gods word and warnings, and be Obedient to him in most difficult undertakings: as well as Noah? 3. To Walk before God in Faith and Obedience, To be perfect, To initiate our infant Children in the first initiating Token of the present Covenant of God, &c. as well as Abraham? To observe all the ten Commandments of the Moral Law; as well as the People Israel? To keep Gods Covenant and Testimony; as well as David and his seed? To remember our own evil wayes and doings which were not good, and loath ourselves in our own sight for our iniquities, and for our Abominations; To walk in Gods Statutes, &c. To be Gods Covenant-people, &c. as well as Gods Captives in Babylon? Doubtless these and like Command of the Substance of former Covenants, reach us, concern us, oblige us … as well as Gods people of old: for they were never abrogated, but rather most strongly reinforced and confirmed under the New Covenant. "
