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Bijou Hunter QUOTES

182 " Farah answered the door and I knew immediately her pants had recently been off. When our eyes met, I sensed she knew I knew. Farah gave me a casual smile then realized her ponytail was hanging weird off her head.
“Sex is fun, huh?” Lark said, walking past her friend. “We’re like rabbits too.”
Farah laughed. “We got home late and needed to let off some steam.”
“Four times,” Cooper announced, bouncing the stairs.
Grinning, I was ready to smack that smirk right off his face. “We have news.”
“Moving in together is such a great first step in a relationship,” Cooper said, wrapping an arm around Farah’s shoulders. “We remember those days, don’t we, baby? So long ago.”
“You’re being obnoxious,” Farah murmured to her husband.
“A giant obnoxious stud.”
Lark laughed and winked at me. “Speaking of studs, Aaron knocked me up our first time while I was on the pill. Bam! That is some super sperm!”
Farah burst out laughing while I gave Cooper two middle fingers.
He just glared at me like I’d knocked up my new girlfriend just so I could make him look weak. Yes, everything in the world revolved around Cooper including my sex life.
“Fuck you,” Cooper growled at me.
“Don’t feel bad. I mean, you had sex four times,” I said, putting up four fingers. “Wow, you’re bound to have at least one good swimmer in the bunch.”
When Cooper ran at me, I took off through the dining room, past the kitchen, and out the backdoor.
My buddy was big and strong, but he was slow. I was in the front yard before he got past his excited dogs.
Lark opened the door for me then we shut it on Cooper who started cussing until he realized kids were nearby.
Farah was laughing so hard she sat on the ground to keep from falling.
“Let me in,” Cooper said in a low pissed voice as he glared through the side window.
“Say it first.”
“Congratulations, jackass. Now, let me in my damn house.”
“That’s not what I want you to say.”
“Then what? I’m not saying please, so it better not be that.”
“Not please. I was thinking something like, ‘Gee, Aaron, can your balls dumb down things for my balls? I’d be ever so grateful to know how babies are made.’ Yeah, something like that.”
Farah was rolling around on the floor and no help to Cooper who clearly wasn’t saying what I suggested.
Lark finally unlocked the door and smiled at Cooper who exhaled like a pissed bull.
“You’re welcome,” she said, grinning.
“For what?”
“I talked Aaron out of mocking you as badly as he wanted. This was the tame version. So you’re welcome.”
Cooper shook his head and finally smiled. "

Bijou Hunter , Damaged and the Cobra (Damaged, #3)

183 " I don’t know how to swim,” I said as we walked onto the back deck where the pool awaited.
“I’ll teach you,” Bailey said, smiling over her shoulder. “First, I need to clean out some of the gunk from the storm.”
After scooping up dead leaves and bugs until the pool looked pristine, Bailey jumped into the pool. “There’s a secret to swimming,” she said, giving me a wink.
Tossing off my shirt, I didn’t think about how much I hated to go shirtless outside of the cage. I just walked into the water and returned her bright smile. “What’s the secret?”
Before I could ask, Bailey slid her wet body against mine. “Lots of friction,” she murmured, grinning wildly.
The moment my hands went to her ass, her legs wrapped around my waist. “I feel like I might drown. More friction might be necessary.”
When I nibbled at her shoulder, she went soft in my arms. Getting cocky, I tugged at the strap of her bikini with my teeth.
“Shit,” she muttered and I knew we had company. Glancing back, I found Kirk watching us while Sawyer gnawed at an ice cream.
“Screwing my daughter in the pool,” he said, exhaling cigarette smoke. “I like a man with balls.”
Bailey frowned. “We’re not screwing.”
To ensure the moment was truly awkward, Bailey slid her hands up and down my chest. Nothing made a guy piss his pants like having his nutty girlfriend feel him up in front of her scary dad.
“We’re going out to Longhorn’s for dinner tomorrow night. Brass Balls can come with us.”
“Thanks, Pop,” Bailey said, grinning like her hands weren’t on my ass.
“We’re grilling and your brothers are here.”
Sawyer grinned at me then Bailey. “A man should die with a full stomach.”
Snorting at his kid’s comment, Kirk took her hand then walked away.
Bailey watched them leave then looked at me. “I was going to fuck you in the pool,” she whispered.
“You’re going to get me killed. "

Bijou Hunter , Damaged and the Dragon (Damaged, #5)

189 " My roommate has a gerbil,” Ryan said, grinning. “The little guy got loose and crapped all over my bed. It’s just been a crazy day.”
Nodding at his silly story, I heard a familiar voice. “That’s fucking fascinating,” Judd said from behind me. “Then, what happened?”
Judd was stalking me apparently.
He pulled a chair to the table. “What are we having for dinner?”
“Who are you exactly?” Ryan asked.
“Tawny’s man. I don’t do names or handshakes, so save it, kid.”
When Ryan looked at me for help, I shook my head. “I have no control over him. If I did, he wouldn’t be here.”
“Oh, don’t be like that,” Judd said, caressing the back of my hair. “I like that sweater on you. Very autumn. Looks good with your eyes.”
“Please, go away.”
“I can’t. I’m your ride tonight.”
“Should I leave?” Ryan asked.
Judd glanced at my date. “Just catch onto that, did you?”
Ryan stood up. “See you around, Tawny.”
“Can’t you stay and ignore him?”
Judd’s eyes narrowed. “No, he can’t.”
“We can still talk,” I said, praying Ryan would stay. “He might leave if we treat him like static in the background.”
Ryan considered staying until Judd’s amused expression faded. “She’s not fucking you, if that’s what you’re holding out for. In fact, you ain’t even getting a goodnight kiss. Well, unless you want that to be the last thing your lips ever do before I rip them off your face.”
“I’m going to leave,” Ryan said, giving me a tight smile. “See you around.”
“If you see her,” Judd growled, “you just keep on walking.”
Nodding, Ryan hurried away, leaving me alone with Judd who switched into the seat across from me.
“Alone at last. "

Bijou Hunter , Damaged and the Knight (Damaged, #2)

195 " You know what you were and it wasn’t a job.”
His words taunted me, offering a glimmer of hope. Yet, his words on the driveway less than two months ago lingered in my thoughts.
“Why are you bothering me?”
“You’re not to go around Mac again. Do you understand?”
“I don’t have to listen to you.”
Judd narrowed his eyes at me. “Fine. I’ll tell him to stay away from you. He’ll listen if he wants to keep both eyes.”
“Whatever. He’s one guy and the college is full of them. Bailey and I are going to a frat party this weekend. Can’t take all of those guys’ eyes.”
“Is that a challenge?”
“You got me here safe,” I said, trying to look away, but unable to. “You did your job and I’m sure you got paid. What more do you want?”
Judd glanced at approaching Harleys then focused on me. When he erased the space between us again, I shivered at the feel of his breath on my cheek. “You know what I want.”
“To fuck me because I’m hot.”
Judd stared in my eyes and I saw the walls come down. Even staring into those pained baby blues, I remembered how coldly he discarded me. Over a month passed with no word from him. Yet, one guy sniffed around me and Judd was suddenly interested.
“Is your birthday present to me to make me a woman?” I whispered, holding his gaze. “You have to know I’m not a virgin and you’d do nothing someone hasn’t done before. There’s no prize between my legs. Maybe you outta stop threatening random men and go find yourself a real woman.”
Judd opened his mouth to speak until he heard Cooper’s voice from inside the house. When the arriving guests called back to their boss, Judd stepped away from me. Sighing, he shoved his hands into the pockets of his brown leather jacket.
“I see a prize when I look at you,” he said softly as he walked past, “but it’s not between your legs.” He pressed a little wrapped box into my hand. “Happy birthday, angel.”
Appearing on the porch, Cooper lost his smile when he saw Judd and me. The men gave each other a little nod before Judd stepped off the porch and past the men who also did their male hello gestures. The men disappeared inside, but Cooper remained next to me as I watched Judd drive away on a black Harley. "

Bijou Hunter , Damaged and the Knight (Damaged, #2)