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Eve Langlais QUOTES

183 " In her eyes, he could see the fear, but also the love. The need. Time to show her, that to him, she meant everything.
“Before you shower me with kisses for saving you –”
“I think it could be argued that I played a part.”
“Not when I retell the story you won’t. But we can argue about that later, naked. As I was saying, I have something for you.” Remy pulled the sheet of paper out of his back pocket and unfolded it.
Initially he’d worried about it being too short. But as Lucifer assured him when he made the contract and binding, the less clauses he put in, the more his promise would stick out. Handing it to her, he waited.
Fidgeted when she didn’t say a word. Almost tore it from her grasp. Then stumbled back as she threw herself at him.

I, Remy, the most awesome demon in Hell, do declare to love the witch Ysabel, fiery temper and all, for an eternity. I will never stray. Never betray her trust. Never do anything to cause her pain upon penalty of permanent death.
This I do swear in blood,

A simple contract, which in its very lack of clauses and sub items, awed her. “You love me that much?”
He peered at her with incredulity on his face. “Of course I love you that much. Would I have done all the things I did if I didn’t?”
“Well, you are related to a mad woman.”
“Yes, and maybe it’s madness for me to love you, but I do. Do you think just any woman would inspire me enough to take on a bloody painful curse. Or put up with the fact you have a giant, demon eating cat. I know you have trust issues, and that I might not have led the kind of life that inspires confidence, but I will show you that you can believe in me. I want you to love me.”
“I know you do. And I do love you. Only for you would I come to the rescue wearing nothing to cover my bottom.”
His eyebrows shot up. “You came to battle in a skirt without any underwear?”
A slow nod was her answer.
He grinned, then scowled. “You will not do that again. Do you know how many demons live in the sewer and could have looked up your skirt? I won’t have them looking at what’s mine. On second thought. Throw out all your underwear. I’ll lead the purge on the sewers myself so you can stroll around with your girl parts unencumbered for my enjoyment.”
“You’re insane,” she laughed.
“Crazy in love with you,” he agreed. “But I do warn you, we’ll have to have dinner with my crazy mother at least once a month.”
“Or more often. I quite like your mom. She’s got a refreshing way of viewing the world.”
“Oh fuck. Don’t tell me she’s already rubbing off,” he groaned, as he pulled her into his arms.
She snuggled against him. This was where she belonged. But she did have a question. “As my new… what should I call you anyway? Boyfriend? Demon I sleep with?”
“The following terms are acceptable to me. Yours. Mate. Husband. Divine taster of your –”
She slapped a hand over his mouth. “I’ll stick to mate.”
“And I’m going with my super, sexy, touch her and die, fabulous cougar, ass kicking witch.”
“I dare you shout that five times in a row without stumbling.”
He did to her eye popping disbelief. “I told you, I have a very agile tongue.”
“I remember. "

Eve Langlais , A Demon and His Witch (Welcome to Hell, #1)

189 " Luna left, too, with a cheery, “Thanks for the morning entertainment. That provided a better jolt than a cup of espresso.”
Then it was just Arabella, her brother, and the really, really big man, who had just turned his gaze on her.
Given his threats and violent solution, Arabella should have been quaking. At the very least staring at her toes lest she incur his wrath.
But the gentlest blue eyes caught hers, and his tone was soft and soothing when he addressed her. “You must be Arabella. I’m Leo, the pride’s omega.”
“More like enforcer,” Jeoff muttered, still rubbing his head.
“If you behave, then I don’t have to resort to my methods.”
“He started it,” Jeoff accused, pointing at finger at Hayder, who emerged from the bedroom clad in low-hipped jeans that hugged his corded thighs and a soft T-shirt that clung to his chest. “Hey, it’s not my fault you jumped to the wrong conclusion when I answered the door.”
“What else was I to think? You’re in my sister’s condo wearing only a rag.”
“Protecting her.”
“The same way you protected her last night when you took her out and flaunted her?”
“I took her to dinner.”
“What the hell do you mean you took her out to dinner? You put my baby sister in danger.”
“She wasn’t in danger.”
“They snatched her off the street!”
“And I got her back.”
The men glared at each, toe-to-toe, bodies bristling.
Leo, who’d seated himself on a stool by the kitchen island, cleared his throat. “Don’t make me get off this stool.”
The tension remained, but the impending violence moved down a few notches.
Seeming satisfied, Leo turned to her. “Coffee?” He addressed that to Arabella, holding out a cup he’d brewed from the machine on the counter.
With a wary look at both Hayder and her brother, she went toward him but then almost scalded herself when Hayder barked, “Baby, where are your pants?”
Oh yeah. She peeked down at her bare legs.
To his credit, Leo didn’t, but he did smile. “How about I add some sugar and milk to this while you find some pants? You look like you need something sweet.”
She couldn’t help but return his smile. “Yes, please.”
Still ignoring the other two men, she stepped past them to the bedroom, where she scrounged in a drawer for pants. As she dressed, she listened to the arguing. “She’s leaving with me.”
Her brother hadn’t relented. Neither did Hayder.
“Wrong. Arabella isn’t going anywhere.”
Ouch. She knew her brother wouldn’t like that.
She was right.
“Excuse me? You don’t get a say. She’s my sister, my responsibility. I’m taking her.”
Arabella stepped back into the living room. “What of the danger though, Jeoff? The pack is in town, and they’re looking for me.”
“We’ll figure something out.”
“We already have. She’ll stay here with me where she’s safe.” Hayder crossed his arms over his impressive chest, looking much too determined— and sexy.
A certain brother wasn’t impressed. “As safe as she was last night?”
Hayder rolled his eyes. “Oh please. What part of ‘we had the situation under control’ can you not grasp? Leo, tell the wolf that Arabella was never in any danger.”
“I don’t lie to my friends,” Leo said as he re-handed Arabella her coffee.
She took a sip of the hot brew and sighed as she listened to the arguing.
When Leo patted the stool beside him, she hopped on.
For such a big man, he offered a strangely calming effect. On her at least. Hayder and Jeoff, on the other hand, just couldn’t stem their tirade.
“I was wrong to stick her here. So you can forget I asked.”
“Too late. She’s part of the pride now.”
“She’s a wolf, or have you forgotten? She belongs with her own kind.” Jeoff crooked his finger at her and inclined his head to the door.
Arabella didn’t move, more because Hayder’s next words froze her. “She belongs with me. Arabella is my mate. "

Eve Langlais , When a Beta Roars (A Lion's Pride, #2)