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Isaac Nash QUOTES

59 " Add something new to what already there
There are no answers to some of your questions
Questions are great methods for learning something new
A new beginning is a chance for you to change
Change what makes you cheap
A cheap behavior is not from God
God exists

Brush your teeth before you eat
Eat healthy for a healthy body and mind
Mind your business and your business will grow
Grow a routine of daily readying habit every day
Every day is a gift from God
God exists

Come join the game
The game is your life
Your life on earth is full of games
Games are amusing and entertaining sometimes
Sometimes people see God
God exists

Dance every day for a good day
A good day always happens for an honest person
An honest person is always thankful no matter what
What you need is love
Love unlimited love for unlimited love
Unlimited love comes from God
God exists

Eight days are not in a week but seven
Seven lessons are not enough for strength
Strength is pretty and inside
Inside a child is undiscovered moments
Moments may occur only once
Once we happened we are watched by God
God exists

Flowers can fly if they believe
Believe whites can harm you like sugar and sault
Sault can save someone’s life
Life begins when a person is free
Free things are always not free
Free your life from judgment and you will be free
Free your time every day to pray
Pray always to God
God Exists
Youth is present and pleases
Pleases are desired and expensive
Expensive like yesterday
Yesterday was and will never be is
Is hope a wish or a target or neither
Neither today nor yesterday is tomorrow
Tomorrow is a gift from God
God exists

Zero is a digit and an oval shape
Shape your destiny, which endures
Endures are everlasting life
Life without God is not life
Life with love is with God
God exists "

Isaac Nash , The Herok