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Debatrayee Banerjee QUOTES

13 " To a heart that never gets tired.

There's a whole lot of road, a path entirely mapped out with a bunch of pebbles, some already warmly enwrapped in your knapsack, while some lay wonderfully laden in your journey. A whole lot of people, a bunch of stars and a handful amount of time, do you find yourself alone? No, it cannot be yet you seek out company, in a blister of Hope, while all along something inside of you bathes in majestic solitude. Do you find peace? Rather do you seek peace? In a tangle of dreams, in a knot of illusions where would you walk? Which road, which path would you find yourself walking down the trail, is it the one that your soul yearns for or the one that is slithering through your mind, is it the one that your heart churns out from the vessel of lost time, or the Mirage of Time, in a mirror of passionate embers of your limitless soul. You walk by, you come close but let that walk you by, for dreams are but dead flowers when the spring gives in to winters of a sunset porch. And there but stands one fire, ignited through the countless stars dancing in a mad jest of a gypsy soul, a heart that never tires of its dreams softly kissing the stars of a distant paradise. So leads the way, where the journey unfolds in tiptoeing the vagabond mind, in decluttering all that is vapourised through the written pages of a story unwritten, to caress the pages yet to come, in a cocoon of a heart that never stops.

Love & Light, always
- Debatrayee "

Debatrayee Banerjee

20 " Connect more. Break the chains.
Cause a few hurricanes wherever you go!

Connection, that's the key. That's what keeps us going. It doesn't matter who you're connecting to, whether it's the people or Nature or simply with your own self.

Traveling to over 20 countries, working in institutions and frameworks that pulled me from my tip to toe from nurturing passions to absorbing diverse cultures and lifestyles, knowing people from different communities, I have realised all that matters in Life is our urge to grow and to leave an impact of the work that we do, even if that is in proportions and pieces that aren't very akin to success.
Because the truth is Success is not measured in quantitative approaches to workspaces but in the qualitative impact that we draw around in the lives of people we work with or just engage in our daily communication.

Life is actually a process of learning and unlearning, a growth that smells like evolution but actually is more of an adaptive ability to embrace change. We change as individuals every fraction of a second through the connections we make and nothing stays compact or static anymore and that's exactly what knowledge stands for, knowledge of life of cosmos and of our passions. They Grow! So don't keep rigid fixed sets of notions because thoughts and ideas keep growing every moment and that's why we need to challenge ourselves to flow with this process of life, to sail along the voyage of this adventure called Life.

And while you do that, keep a heart that feels all, detached but connected. Detached from any sort of bias and connected to the roots of your soul and your culture. Because what you bring to the table is entirely YOUR mark which should look like your unique beautiful self. Be absolutely crazy and passionate about all that you do, be it work or life and let the fire inside you burn so bright that those who connect with you feel your warmth and bask in your sunshine, at the moment and always. "

Debatrayee Banerjee