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Allyson James QUOTES

21 " How much will you change?” Nella asked, uneasy.
“Oh, not too much. Enough so that your signature won’t match the bots’ programming. Outwardly, you’ll never know the difference. Unless, of course, you’d like me to make some modifications.” She ran an eye up and down Nella, like a dress designer trying to decide where to put more pleats or frills.
Rio’s arms tightened around her. “Don’t you dare change a thing. She’s perfect the way she is.”
Nella’s face heated. “Not really.”
“You don’t believe me?” Rio said, his voice taking on a dangerous note.
“You’re very flattering,” she said.
His playfulness vanished. “Flattering? You mean I’m lying?”
“I didn’t say that. I . . .”
He confused her. All her life Nella had been taught to be banally polite, to have the correct remark for the correct person at the correct time, always. Everything she said to Rio seemed to provoke a reaction opposite of what she’d been taught to expect. But then, Rio was nothing like any male— any human being— Nella had ever met before. He did nothing as expected. Maybe that was part of his attraction— his unpredictability.
Abruptly, Rio spun Nella around and lifted her over his shoulder. She squeaked in surprise as her world went upside down, too startled to do anything but gape at his tight, leather-clad buttocks. “You’re still having a problem with trust,” he said. “One I’m going to have to cure.”
Planting his hand on her backside, Rio hauled Nella out of the room, completely ignoring her shout of protest. "

Allyson James , Rio (Tales of the Shareem, #2)

25 " It will relax her, make her pliable. Women love having their feet rubbed.”
“Most women beg me to rub somewhere other than their feet.”
“They like their toes nibbled,” Aiden said. “And suckled.”
“Rub feet, suckle toes. Got it.”
“Do it slowly, the strokes steady. Then move up her legs. Use her muscles as a guide. Not hard strokes— you want to soothe, not press.”
“How long before I can massage her pussy?”
“Gods, level threes are impatient. The trick is to go slowly. By the time you’ve reached her ass, she’s sighing with pleasure, but you don’t stop there. You do her entire back and arms while she’s longing for you to get to her pussy. Make her wait.”
“Now that I can get into. Holding back, making her beg.”
He saw Nella again, squirming on the sheets, her red hair tangled on the pillow, her hips lifting toward him.   Please, Rio, she’d say.
Not yet, baby, he’d respond. I want you good and wet before I get there.
She’d whimper with disappointment, then he’d lift his strap and smack her sweet little backside.
Rio sighed and made the image dissolve. “Massage. Slowly. I’m not sure my programming will let me.”
“Like this.” Aiden moved his ale glass and pressed his hand to the table, thumb and last two fingers on the surface, the other two fingers held loosely. “Glide across her skin, pressing a little. Long strokes, following the curve of her leg.” He moved his hand across the table, slowly and sensually, his own eyes becoming bluer, as though he pictured a beautiful woman under his hand.
Rio copied his movements, trying to shape his hand the same way, trying press a little, but not too much.
It felt awkward. He gave up. “I gotta say, massaging this table does nothing for me. "

Allyson James , Rio (Tales of the Shareem, #2)