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T. Colin Campbell QUOTES

175 " Good nutrition and regular exercise combine to offer more health per person than the sum of each part alone.
We also know that physical activity has an effect on emotional and mental well-being. Much has been said about the effect physical activity has on various chemicals in our bodies, which in tum affect our moods
and our concentration. And experiencing the rewards of feeling better emotionally and being more mentally alert provides the confidence and motivation to treat ourselves to optimal nutrition, which reinforces the
entire cycle. Those who feel good about themselves are more likely to
respect their health by practicing good nutrition. John Robbins has done more than any other person to bring this issue to the front of American consciousness, and I strongly
recommend reading his most recent book, The Food Revolution. Our food choices have an incredible impact not only on our metabolism,
but also on the initiation, promotion and even reversal of disease, on our energy; on our physical activity, on our emotional and mental
well-being and on our world environment. All of these seemingly separate spheres are intimately interconnected. I have mentioned the wisdom of nature at various points in this
book, and I have come to see the power of the workings of the natural
world. It is a wondrous web of health, from molecules, to people, to other animals, to forests, to oceans, to the air we breathe. This is nature at work, from the microscopic to the macroscopic. "

T. Colin Campbell , The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, and Long-term Health