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Judy Baer QUOTES

12 " There’s this…gunk on the floor,” she muttered, pushing even harder with the mop. “It’s gross, so be sure you don’t step in it or bring in more…”
I took a step sideways.
Katie looked up at me with a horrified glance. “Look out!”
I jumped. When I landed, I felt something rubbery and squishy beneath one foot. Swallowing heavily, I carefully looked down to see what I was standing in.
“Gross!” I yelled, jumping away from the horrible puddle of muck on the floor. “I think someone threw up,” I stammered. “And they threw up a lot.”
Katie’s laughter echoed around the cabin. After a moment, the others began to join in. Everyone in the cabin was laughing except me. I was still staring in horror at the stuff on the floor.
Katie dropped the mop she was holding with a clatter and moved toward me. When she reached me, she bent over and picked up the gross puddle.
“Look, rubber vomit. Isn’t it great?” she asked, giggling. “Don’t you love it?”
I felt my mouth drop open. I bet I looked like one of the fish in my fish tank as I stared at Katie and her puddle of rubber vomit. But then I looked at Katie’s face and I couldn’t help it. I had to smile, too. She looked so happy that I’d fallen for her joke.
Her green eyes twinkled happily. “This is the best joke I’ve played in ages!” Katie announced. Then she threw her free arm around my shoulders and gave me a big squeeze. “I’m so glad you’re in our cabin! I’ve been wanting to use this for a long time. Denni is no fun to play tricks on. She’s too grumpy! And Ariel doesn’t get my jokes half the time.”
Katie giggled again and I noticed that she had a mouthful of braces. “I thought you guys would never come inside! It seemed like I’d been pushing on that mop for hours! "

Judy Baer , Camp Pinetree Pals (Treetop Tales)