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Wendy Higgins QUOTES

43 " At nearly three in the morning sleepiness weighted my body as we lay there together so still. I heard his breathing even out as we both hovered in that place between wake and sleep. And then his hand wandered lazily down my back and over my hip until he was cupping the full curve of my behind, part of me that he’d actively avoided touching all night.
Scratch that sleepy thing.
His firm hands clutched me closer and I breathed a heady gust of air at his throat. I’d been careful all night not to be too vocal about how good his touches felt. I knew each noise would act as fuel, making it even harder for him. He rolled to his back, pulling me on top of him with both hands fully on my backside now.
“Kaidan,” I whispered.
Looking half-asleep, he shushed me with a hot kiss, pulling my hips to crush us together. I whimpered into his mouth.
“God, those little sounds,” he said against my lips. “I want to hear how you sound when I make you—”
“Kai!” I practically leaped off him, and he sat up, eyes blazing, licking his lips. I was breathing hard. He had to be as tired as me after our long day, and it was starting to weaken us big-time. Oh, how I’d love to indulge that weakness.
I scooted farther away.
“Maybe we should try to get some sleep,” I suggested, though I was feeling wide-awake now.
He stared at me with roaring passion. “I think a third shower might be necessary,” he said.
A silly laugh wanted to escape me, but there was no humor in his eyes. Only want. "

Wendy Higgins , Sweet Peril (Sweet, #2)