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When a Beta Roars (A Lion's Pride, #2) QUOTES

5 " Luna left, too, with a cheery, “Thanks for the morning entertainment. That provided a better jolt than a cup of espresso.”
Then it was just Arabella, her brother, and the really, really big man, who had just turned his gaze on her.
Given his threats and violent solution, Arabella should have been quaking. At the very least staring at her toes lest she incur his wrath.
But the gentlest blue eyes caught hers, and his tone was soft and soothing when he addressed her. “You must be Arabella. I’m Leo, the pride’s omega.”
“More like enforcer,” Jeoff muttered, still rubbing his head.
“If you behave, then I don’t have to resort to my methods.”
“He started it,” Jeoff accused, pointing at finger at Hayder, who emerged from the bedroom clad in low-hipped jeans that hugged his corded thighs and a soft T-shirt that clung to his chest. “Hey, it’s not my fault you jumped to the wrong conclusion when I answered the door.”
“What else was I to think? You’re in my sister’s condo wearing only a rag.”
“Protecting her.”
“The same way you protected her last night when you took her out and flaunted her?”
“I took her to dinner.”
“What the hell do you mean you took her out to dinner? You put my baby sister in danger.”
“She wasn’t in danger.”
“They snatched her off the street!”
“And I got her back.”
The men glared at each, toe-to-toe, bodies bristling.
Leo, who’d seated himself on a stool by the kitchen island, cleared his throat. “Don’t make me get off this stool.”
The tension remained, but the impending violence moved down a few notches.
Seeming satisfied, Leo turned to her. “Coffee?” He addressed that to Arabella, holding out a cup he’d brewed from the machine on the counter.
With a wary look at both Hayder and her brother, she went toward him but then almost scalded herself when Hayder barked, “Baby, where are your pants?”
Oh yeah. She peeked down at her bare legs.
To his credit, Leo didn’t, but he did smile. “How about I add some sugar and milk to this while you find some pants? You look like you need something sweet.”
She couldn’t help but return his smile. “Yes, please.”
Still ignoring the other two men, she stepped past them to the bedroom, where she scrounged in a drawer for pants. As she dressed, she listened to the arguing. “She’s leaving with me.”
Her brother hadn’t relented. Neither did Hayder.
“Wrong. Arabella isn’t going anywhere.”
Ouch. She knew her brother wouldn’t like that.
She was right.
“Excuse me? You don’t get a say. She’s my sister, my responsibility. I’m taking her.”
Arabella stepped back into the living room. “What of the danger though, Jeoff? The pack is in town, and they’re looking for me.”
“We’ll figure something out.”
“We already have. She’ll stay here with me where she’s safe.” Hayder crossed his arms over his impressive chest, looking much too determined— and sexy.
A certain brother wasn’t impressed. “As safe as she was last night?”
Hayder rolled his eyes. “Oh please. What part of ‘we had the situation under control’ can you not grasp? Leo, tell the wolf that Arabella was never in any danger.”
“I don’t lie to my friends,” Leo said as he re-handed Arabella her coffee.
She took a sip of the hot brew and sighed as she listened to the arguing.
When Leo patted the stool beside him, she hopped on.
For such a big man, he offered a strangely calming effect. On her at least. Hayder and Jeoff, on the other hand, just couldn’t stem their tirade.
“I was wrong to stick her here. So you can forget I asked.”
“Too late. She’s part of the pride now.”
“She’s a wolf, or have you forgotten? She belongs with her own kind.” Jeoff crooked his finger at her and inclined his head to the door.
Arabella didn’t move, more because Hayder’s next words froze her. “She belongs with me. Arabella is my mate. "

Eve Langlais , When a Beta Roars (A Lion's Pride, #2)

8 " Raising his fist, Hayder knocked on the condo door but didn’t wait for an answer. Being the pride’s beta gave him certain liberties, such as access to all the units in the building— a building owned and managed by, you guessed it, the pride.
Slapping his hand on the control panel alongside the door, he waited for the telltale click before turning the handle to open it. In he walked, uninvited, only to stop dead. Almost literally, and with good reason, given a gun wavered in front of his face.
Bullets fired point-blank never boded well.
However, the weapon wasn’t the most shocking thing he faced. No, that was reserved for the possessive growl of his lion and the unwavering sureness that gobsmacked him when he caught the scent of the gun wielder. A woman. But not just any woman.
Mine. Our mate.
Like most shapeshifters, Hayder had heard of the so-called certainty that hit certain couples when they first met. The zing of awareness. The moment of recognition. Or, in his case, the slam and resounding clang of a door on a cell labeled Monogamy. Argh. Not the dreaded M word.
A cowardly lion might have run away, but Hayder wasn’t one to fear anything, especially not the short and trembling woman in front of him.
Barely reaching his chin with deep brown hair held back in a ponytail, she didn’t possess a fearsome mien. On the contrary, everything about her appeared soft and delicate, from the silky smoothness of her skin and the long lashes framing the biggest brown eyes to her cupid’s-bow lips, pursed and pink.
She was also, judging by her scent, a Lycan.
Cats and dogs aren’t supposed to mix. But tell that to his lion, who urged him to give her cheek a lick to say hello. Uh, no. Somehow slobbering over a woman, armed with a gun, didn’t seem appropriate.
Introductions, though, might help. “Are you Jeoff’s sister?” he asked when she didn’t seem inclined to speak. Nor did she lower her weapon, but he allowed it for the moment. The acrid stink of fear rolled off her and agitated his lion. She fears. Feared him and Hayder didn’t like it one bit.
“Who are you? What do you want?” Her words might have proven more forceful if they’d emerged less breathy and high pitched.
“I’m Hayder.” He might have said more, like I am the most awesome beta the pride could ever hope for. He could have boasted he was a lion with a mane only slightly less impressive than that of Arik, the alpha king. He might have probably said something witty and flirty too, if she hadn’t almost shot him! "

Eve Langlais , When a Beta Roars (A Lion's Pride, #2)

9 " Achoo.
She managed to only let the tickle overtake her once in the elevator and ducked her head even as her cheeks heated at the growl that rumbled through him. She wasn’t doing it on purpose. “I’m sorry.”
“Would you stop apologizing?” he snapped.
She didn’t want to anger him so she nodded and kept her head tucked low.
“And stop doing that. You’re not some beaten slave. Hold your head up, baby. Tell me to fuck off.”
The language didn’t shock her and cause the O of surprise. It was his insistence she defend herself. She shot him a wary gaze, waiting to see the challenging smirk. She knew how this worked. Tell her to do something, and then tear into her because she dared.
“There’s those beautiful eyes,” he teased. “Now keep them up here. I want to see you staring at my face. You’re safe here. Especially with me. You can say what you want. Whatever you want. I would never hurt you.”
He wouldn’t. Where did that certainty come from? So what if perhaps, thus far, despite their less-than-auspicious introduction, Hayder had shown her nothing but kindness? She didn’t know him well enough to gauge if it was an act. She’d fallen for the lies before. “How do I know I can trust you? How do I know you won’t turn around and hurt me when I do?” The words spilled from her, painful in their honesty, and shocking him into momentary silence.
“Because you can,” was what he finally muttered. "

Eve Langlais , When a Beta Roars (A Lion's Pride, #2)

10 " He couldn’t spot them, and the minor foot traffic on the sidewalk was not enough to hide. They must have entered a building or alley.
Rather than searching all of them, he let his nose do its job.
Big breath in. Filter the smells. Aha. There, up the sidewalk a few more storefronts then into an arcade.
The wolves that dragged her probably hoped to hide their scent and sneak out the back.
Except Hayder knew this place. He knew where the door to the alley was, thus, when the steel door swung open, he stood there, arms crossed waiting for them.
“Shit, he’s here. Get back inside,” the chubby one grunted.
“Oh, don’t leave on my account. I insist you stay.” And to make sure they did, he kicked the door shut.
The two thugs backed away from him, the one who needed to invest in a treadmill holding Arabella, who hung limp in his grasp, before him as a shield. She was alive. However, her eyes bore a resigned expression Hayder didn’t like at all.
“Baby, are you all right? Did they hurt you?”
The answer was moot. At this point, he was going to punish them no matter what, violently. They’d done the unforgivable when they’d taken Arabella and scared her. However, if they’d actually hurt her, or if she cried…
We’ll make them wish their mother had a headache the night they were conceived.
Her reply emerged so soft he almost missed it. “I told you this would happen. They’ll never let me be free.”
How utterly convinced she seemed and miserable.
Totally unacceptable. “Don’t you dare take this without a fight,” he growled.
The chubby one should have spent more time on expanding his mind instead of his waistline because he showed no sense at all when he said, “Bella here knows her place, and after the next full moon, it will be on her knees, serving the new alpha of the pack.”
Hell no.
Hayder didn’t even think twice about it. His fist shot out, and it connected to the idiot’s nose with a satisfying crunch, and that left one wolf.
An even dumber wolf that seemed to think the switchblade he’d pulled out of a pocket and waved around would really make a difference.
“Are you stupid enough to think you can take me with that puny knife?” Hayder couldn’t stem the incredulity in his query.
“Stay back, cat, or else. It’s silver.”
Silver, which meant painful if he got sliced with it. Harder to heal, too. But a three-inch blade wasn’t going to keep Hayder away from his woman.
As beta, though, he did try to give the idiot a chance. Show patience before acting, or so he’d been taught as part of those anger management courses Leo made him take.
Hayder employed one of the tricks to control impulsive acts. He counted. “Three.”
“I’ll cut you.” Slash. Slash. The knifeman sketched lines in the air.
“I mean it.”
“One. You’re dead.”
Hayder took a step forward even as the last dumb wolf took a step back, one hand clamped around Arabella’s arm. Lightning fast, Hayder shot a hand out to grab the wrist of the guy wielding the knife.
This fellow had slightly faster reflexes than his pack brothers and actually managed to score a line of red across his palm.
The blood didn’t bother Hayder. ’Twas but a scratch.
However, the coppery scent did something to Arabella.
Up snapped her head. Her nostrils flared. Her brown eyes took on a wildness. Her lips pulled back in a snarl. “Don’t. Touch. Him!”
With a screech, she turned on her captor and then proceeded to go rabid on his ass.
How cool. "

Eve Langlais , When a Beta Roars (A Lion's Pride, #2)

11 " I’m not a blind idiot, baby. Someone hurt you. Someone close. And while it pains me to admit it, I don’t think Jeoff is the type of guy to cause that type of pain. Which means it was someone else close to you. Like your mate.”
“You shouldn’t speak ill of the dead.”
“Or what? He’ll come back to haunt me? I’d like that so I could teach the prick a lesson about being an asshole to a lady. He hurt you. He doesn’t deserve any respect. I just wish I could have saved you from him sooner.”
Apparently something he said struck a chord because tears threatened to spill from her eyes.
“Baby, don’t cry. Why are you crying?”
“I’m not,” she sniffled.
“You don’t actually miss the prick who abused you, do you?”
The very idea appalled him, and yet why else would she cry?
“Oh god, I don’t miss him. At all. It’s just…” She stopped.
Hayder told his kitty and his impatience to sit in a corner and wait. Give her a chance.
A tremulous breath wobbled from her. “You know, my brother would have taken care of Harry if given a chance. But he would have done it because he had to. I’m family.”
“I’m not, and I’ll tell you right now, had I come across that prick abusing you, I would have killed him.”
Laws or not. Abuse should never be tolerated.
She blinked rapidly, failing in her battle against the tears. Her voice trembled. “And that’s just it. You really would fight for me. You already did, earlier today. You could have let them take me and washed your hands clean. Yet you didn’t. You came to my rescue, and the weird part is, I think you’d do it again.”
“As many times as it takes to keep you safe. I know it’s crazy, and we haven’t known each other long, but there’s something happening between you and me, baby. Something crazy. Wild. Meant to be. Don’t tell me you don’t feel it too?”
“I do.” How soft the admission. How fearful the truth. “And it scares me. You scare me. What if I’m wrong?”
It was that genuine terror that let him say, “You’re not, but I won’t push.”
Not tonight at least. He’d give her a little space to come to terms with what was happening. “Go to bed. Alone.”
Oh, how he wanted to yowl mournfully. “If you need me, I’ll be here or not far. You don’t have to worry anymore. I won’t let you come to harm.”
He’d guard her with his life. "

Eve Langlais , When a Beta Roars (A Lion's Pride, #2)

12 " Hayder didn’t bother checking the time when he left the condo. He banged on the closest door and waited with arms crossed, foot tapping. It opened a moment later on a tousled-hair Luna, who scowled. “What do you want?”
“A lifetime supply of porterhouse steaks in my freezer.” Like duh. What feline wouldn’t?
“Thank you. I knew those IQ tests I took in college were wrong. But enough of my mental greatness, I need a favor.”
“I am not lending you my eighties greatest hits CDs again to use for skeet practice,” she grumbled.
“That’s not a favor. That’s just making the world a better place. No, I need you to watch Arabella’s place while I talk to the boss about her situation.”
Obviously the rumor mill had been busy because Luna didn’t question what he meant. “You really think those wolves would be stupid enough to try something here?” Luna slapped her forehead. “Duh. Of course they are. Must be something in their processed dog food that inhibits their brain processes.”
“One, while I agree that pack is mentally defective, you might want to refrain from calling them dogs or bitches or any other nasty names in the near future.”
“Why? Aren’t you the one who coined the phrase ‘ass-licking, eau de toilette fleabags’?”
Ah yes, one of his brighter inspirations after a few too many shots of tequila. “Yeah. But that was in the past. If I’m going to be mated to a wolf—”
“Whoa there, big guy. Back up. Mated? As in”— Luna hummed the wedding march—“ dum-dum-dum-dum.”
Hayder fought not to wince. Knowing he’d found the one and admitting it in such final terms were two different things. “Yes, mated. To Arabella.”
“The girl who is allergic to you?”
Luna needed the wall to hold her up as she laughed.
And laughed.
Then cried as she laughed.
Irritated, Hayder tapped a foot and frowned. It just made her laugh all the harder. “It isn’t that funny.”
“Says you.” Luna snorted, wiping a hand across her eyes to swipe the tears. “Oh, wait until the girls hear this.”
“Could we hold off on that? It might help if I got Arabella to agree first.”
Which, given her past and state of mind, wasn’t a sure thing.
“You’re killing me here, Hayder. This is big news. Real big.”
“I’ll let you borrow my treadmill.” Damned thing was nothing more than a clothes rack in his room. Indoor running just couldn’t beat the fresh adrenaline of an outdoor sprint.
“Really big news,” she emphasized.
He sighed. “Fine. You can borrow my car. But don’t you dare leave any fast food wrappers in it like last time.”
“Who, me?” The innocent bat of her lashes didn’t fool him one bit. "

Eve Langlais , When a Beta Roars (A Lion's Pride, #2)

13 " What do you want that couldn’t wait until the morning?” Arik asked as he led the way inside. The Pride’s king headed to the bar he’d had installed in the corner of his living room. He pulled a bottle of whiskey from a shelf. He poured them each a generous dollop.
“I want permission to go after the Northern Lakes Pack.”
“Am I going to regret asking why?”
“They’re threatening Arabella.”
“Who’s that?”
“Jeoff’s sister.”
Arik tossed back the fiery liquid before asking with a frown, “Why the fuck would I let you start a war over Jeoff’s sister?”
“Because those pricks attacked us on home turf.”
A snort escape Arik. “Ah yes, that puny attempt at a kidnapping. You caused quite a stir with your antics. Part of your stunt even made it onto YouTube before we could squash it. I had to have our PR department spin a Twitter thread on how it was part of a scene being taped for a movie.”
“You can’t blame me for that. I had to stop them.” He did, but what he didn’t tell Arik was he’d never once thought of the repercussions of his actions. He saw Arabella in danger and had to go to her rescue. Bystanders and witnesses be damned.
“I can see why you’d feel like you had to act. I mean, they made you look silly by catching you off guard like that, but, next time, could you be a little more discreet?”
“No.” Why lie?
The reply took his leader aback. “What do you mean no? Discretion is a fact of life. One girl isn’t worth drawing undue attention to ourselves.”
“One girl might not be, but my mate is.”
Want to stop conversation dead? Drop a bombshell.
“Close your mouth, Arik, before you catch flies.” Only Arik’s mate could hope to tease him like that and get away with it. Dressed in yoga pants and a sweatshirt, Kira emerged from the bedroom and perched on a barstool.
“Did you hear what he said?” a still astonished Arik demanded.
“Yes. He’s fallen victim to the love bug. I think it’s cute.”
“I would have said impossible,” Arik muttered.
“You and me both, old friend. But, the fact of the matter is, I’m like ninety-nine percent sure that Arabella is supposed to be mine.”
“And the one percent that isn’t sure?”
“Is going to get eaten by my lion. "

Eve Langlais , When a Beta Roars (A Lion's Pride, #2)

14 " She shoved me out of the bed! The realization hit him as hard as the floor. His feline grace failed him. Far from hanging its head in shame, his inner lion rolled in mirth, tufted tail practically wagging. Not funny.
Except it was. He had a feeling this more assertive side of Arabella was his fault. Since the moment they’d met, he’d encouraged her to not take any shit, and apparently she’d decided to start with him. Dammit. When he’d told her to not let the world stomp all over her, he should have specified his exemption.
I’m her mate. Isn’t there a rule that says she can’t kick me out of bed?
Except she’d yet to realize what he had. Was it only a day ago since his life changed? Not even. At this rate, he’d be picking out fucking China patterns by noon.
Completely emasculated and by a woman who wanted nothing to do with him.
Flipping to his knees, he sat up and rested his chin on the mattress.
Arabella faced him, eyes wary, breathing shallow as she waited for his reaction. More like she waited to see if he’d explode.
She’d learn.
Hayder would never harm her, but he would use his infamous kitty-cat eyes against her.
He stared. You know you want me. You know you need me. Come on, baby. Melt. Melt for your lion.
She stared right back.
Hmm, this wasn’t working as planned.
He let the left side of his lip curl into a grin, tugging his cheek and popping his infamous dimple.
“I know what you’re doing.”
“Trying to manipulate me into letting you back into bed.”
“Is it working?”
For a moment her expression shifted, a quick flip of emotions as she struggled to answer. “Yes it’s working. But I wish it wasn’t.”
“Why? Why fight it?”
“Because I think I need time.”
It turned out there was something more powerful than his dimple. Her honesty.
He groaned. “I think you were sent to kill me. Fine. If you insist, I’ll respect you even if I’d rather debauch you.”
Her eyes widened.
“Respect doesn’t mean I’m going to lie, baby. I want you. Bad. But I’ll listen to what you want. For now.”
And, yes, he said it ominously.
Let her think about it. Think about him. Soon even she wouldn’t be able to deny they were meant for each other.
He stood, all six foot plus naked feet of him.
And, yes, that did put a certain part of his anatomy in perfect view of a certain shocked gaze.
A sucked-in breath, cheeks that darkened, a certain awareness sizzling between them. She couldn’t hope to hide her pleasure or interest in what she saw.
“Sweet dreams, baby.” He winked and then turned, resisting an urge to catch her staring at his ass.
He knew she was. He could feel the crazy heat as she traced his path out of the room.
Go back. Want to snuggle. His lion couldn’t understand why they were back in the living room with its cramped couch that wouldn’t allow him to stretch out. Why couldn’t they snuggle in the nice warm bed and, even better, cuddle with a nice warm mate?
Respect, my furry friend. A lion had no use for respect though. His worldview was much simpler. Ours. Bed. Hungry. Not hungry for a steak but, rather, a sweet, creamy pie.
Hayder groaned. No need to keep reminding him of what he was missing. He knew. He hated it, but her wants had to take precedence over his.
Argh. "

Eve Langlais , When a Beta Roars (A Lion's Pride, #2)

15 " At around six a.m., he gave up on trying to go back to sleep.
He called Leo, whose first reply instead of good morning or hello was, “Haven’t you gone to bed yet?”
“Actually, I am just getting up.”
That silenced Leo for a moment. “Are you sick?”
“You do realize it’s not even close to noon, right?”
“I know what time it is,” Hayder snapped, getting irked. “It’s time for you to stop messing with me and bring me some clothes.”
“Why would I do that? Where are you? Wait, don’t tell me you stayed with the girl last night.”
“She’s mine. Where else would I be?”
“Dude, you met her yesterday.”
“Yeah, and?”
“You. Met. Her. Yesterday.” Leo enunciated each word slowly.
“I. Know,” Hayder mocked. “What is this hang-up everyone has with time? She keeps saying the same thing. Who cares? She’s the one.”
“This is my fault,” Leo grumbled.
“How do you figure that? Are you in charge of the fates and the decision on who belongs together?”
“No, but I might have knocked some sense into you one too many times.”
“Aren’t you just the comedian? But this is no joke. Arabella’s mine, and that’s that. Now would you bring me some clothes?”
“What about Jeoff?”
“What about Jeoff?”
“You don’t think her brother might have an issue with you hooking up with his sister, who, by all accounts, is vulnerable right now.”
“Hey, are you implying my Arabella has loose morals? I’ll have you know she turned me down. Would you believe she shoved me out of bed? Told me to go away?” Incredulity still filled him.
It didn’t take super hearing to catch Leo’s snort of mirth. “Ha. In that case, maybe she is the one. You need a woman who can say no to you sometimes.”
“You are not a nice omega, Leo.”
“Nice is for pussies. Now, are you done whining, or should I come over there and really give you something to whine about?”
Hayder rubbed his jaw. “No need.”
“Are you sure? You know I’m always ready to help a pride member in need.”
“All I need right now are some clothes. "

Eve Langlais , When a Beta Roars (A Lion's Pride, #2)

17 " I think I arrived just in time,” Leo announced a second before he grabbed a swinging Jeoff. Leo plopped Arabella’s brother onto the couch. “Stay or I’ll sit on you.”
A wise man— some of the time— Jeoff didn’t budge.
“You were told,” Hayder taunted.
“Don’t make me duct tape your mouth again.” Count on Leo to take the wind out of Hayder’s sail.
Few people argued with the massive man. Nor did anyone ever tell him to leave, even if Hayder really wished both Leo and Jeoff would go so he could resume the interesting moment he’d shared with Arabella just before all hell broke loose.
Alas, judging by Arabella’s guarded expression, that sensual moment was gone. He’d have to find another way to recapture it. But first he needed to convince Jeoff to let her stay, as well as get Leo to depart— without enforcing an omega-calming moment— and have Arabella lose the rounded shoulders as they fought over her.
Poor baby. How overwhelming this must be for her. How upsetting. And partially his fault.
Ignoring the others, Hayder dropped to his knees in front of her. “I’m sorry, baby. Don’t get upset. I promise to behave. After all, it’s normal your brother would want to protect you, and I shouldn’t have beaten the hell out of him for it.”
“I think it was the other way around, cat,” Jeoff muttered.
“Shhh!” Leo said in a loud whisper. “He’s apologizing. Don’t ruin it.”
Arabella’s gaze briefly met Hayder’s. “It’s okay.”
“No, it’s obviously not. I can see you’re disturbed. You know I didn’t mean for that to happen. I never meant to upset you.”
“I’m not upset about the fight.” Her lips twitched into a small smile. “Boys will be boys, my mom used to say. I’m just sorry to cause all this trouble. Jeoff’s right. I shouldn’t be here.”
“Ha. Told you so.” Jeoff crowed in triumph.
“And I shouldn’t be with his pack either. With this danger hanging over me, I should flee the country and keep my problems away from all of you.”
Leave? He meant to say no, but his lion spoke first. More like rawr-ed.
And in reply? She sneezed. A few times as a matter of fact.
“What’s wrong with you?” Jeoff asked his sister.
“Stupid allergies,” she grumbled.
Jeoff snickered. “You still suffering from those? That’s hilarious. And yet the cat thinks you’re true mates?”
“She’s mine, and a little sneeze and spit won’t change that.”
“Is he completely insane?” Jeoff muttered.
“Utterly, but the doctors say he’s not a danger to himself or the pride. But I wouldn’t push him. And given these two are talking about the future, a future that isn’t ours to decide, we should leave them to work things out,” Leo politely suggested.
“But—” Jeoff never got a chance to finish that thought because Leo had spoken. And when Leo spoke, he acted. “No buts. You. Come.” Leo grabbed a hold of Arabella’s brother, tossed him over a shoulder, and marched him out with a tossed, “Don’t you screw anything up with the girl. I’d hate to have to come back and teach you a lesson. "

Eve Langlais , When a Beta Roars (A Lion's Pride, #2)

19 " There were a few things that really peeved a lion.
Stealing his sunny nap spot.
Messing up his mane.
Eating the last donut.
Yanking his fucking tail!
Reflex had him spin on the brat who’d sneaked up on him. Well, sneaked up if he ignored the fact he knew she was behind him. Let her think she had him. He was so enchanted by the emergence of a playful side that he didn’t want to ruin her fun. A fun that ended when she yanked his tail.
He spun and shot her a baleful glare.
For a moment she froze. A tremble went through her. She was scared. Ah hell.
Surely she knew by now he’d never hurt her? But then again, could he expect years of abuse and habit to disappear after spending just over a day with him? He wondered what she’d do. Would she run or give him the broken puppy eyes? Why did this have to happen at all? Why did he have to look so fearsome? Was it his fault his lion was so impressive and scary? Was it—
Wait a second, was she laughing?
He eyed her.
Yup. She was. Laughing and snorting.
Now he glared for real.
She chortled louder. “Oh. Oh.” She gasped. “If only you could see your expression.”
He’d show her an expression.
He shifted into his human self, but even his impressive nakedness couldn’t stem her mirth.
He stood and then stalked, each long stride bringing him closer, and her laughter dampening until it stopped altogether.
He almost applauded when she peered at him instead of staring at her toes. “Am I in trouble?”
“Nothing a kiss wouldn’t fix.” Blackmail? Hell yeah. He’d do anything for a kiss.
“If you want a kiss, you’ll have to catch me. Tag, you’re it.” She shoved him, open-palmed against his chest, before bolting, her lithe body a quick blur that soon disappeared from sight.
Seriously? She was just awesomeness wrapped in a layer of perfection with a dab of naughty he was really loving. "

Eve Langlais , When a Beta Roars (A Lion's Pride, #2)

20 " He groaned.
She groaned.
They both groaned as he played with the nipple.
There were no words exchanged between them, nothing but soft pants and moans of pleasure.
And the splash as something hit the water.
Then another something.
The faint echo of a gunshot froze him. Shit. Someone was fucking shooting at them.
“Take a deep breath,” was the only warning he gave before yanking Arabella underwater where they’d prove a more difficult target.
Wide eyes met his under the surface.
Kind of hard to explain. Only his great-uncle Clive had ever inherited the famous Johnson gills. Hayder got great hair. Since he couldn’t explain why it appeared he wanted to drown her, he kicked off.
With her in tow, he scissor-kicked to the deep end of the pool by the waterfall. Having explored this place many a time when working off some energy, he knew the perfect spot to shelter while he figured out where the shooter was.
And then we’ll catch ’em and eat ’em.
It seemed Hayder wasn’t the only one peeved at the interruption. But still…
We don’t eat people.
Such a disappointed kitty.
But catch the hunter and we’ll order the biggest rare steak they have in stock.
With the red sauce stuff
A double order of the red wine reduction, he promised.
Lungs burning, Hayder dragged them to the surface, behind the filtering screen of water cascading from above. The little hidden grotto made a great hiding spot.
The shooter would have a hard time targeting them, and the water would also slow the bullet and throw off its aim. He knew they were more or less safe for the moment, but she didn’t. Soaked and scentless didn’t mean Hayder couldn’t sense the fear coming off Arabella.
She remained tucked close to him, for once not sneezing. Small blessing because one of her ginoromous achoos might have caused quite the amplified echo.
“Was someone shooting at us?” she whispered in his ear.
Kind of funny since nothing could be heard above the falling splash of water
“Yes. Someone was trying to get us.”
Which meant heads would roll with whoever was on duty for security today.
Exactly how had someone made it on to pride land with a loaded weapon? What kind of cowards hunted shifters with bullets? The kind who thought it was okay to beat a woman.
Man, not lion, made the sound.
It was also the man who made sure to tuck Arabella as deep as he could into the pocket, using himself as a body shield just in case the gunman got a lucky shot.
The crashing of water, not to mention the echoes created by the recess, made it impossible to gauge what happened outside their watery grotto.
Did the shooter approach?
Did he know where they’d gone?
Would he stick around long enough for Hayder to hunt him down and slap him silly?
Only one way to find out.

Eve Langlais , When a Beta Roars (A Lion's Pride, #2)