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3 " Today you are young.your beauty attract every man
But the day when you will feel older yourself
when you will feel magic of body vanish
On that day time will remind you,that man who fall in love with your soul
but you will not find him,because you killed him in All

The day when you will feel wrinkles on your skin
and will understand,no one want to touch it,not soft any more
On that day time will remind that man
who die for aroma of your skin,for him its always remain best fragrance
But you will not find him, because you killed him by your ignorance

The day you will feel,you are now not able to feed sex hunger
and you will understand men around you but not with you
On that day time will remind you that man
who never hungry for your body,who just feed love and emotions
to your soul and to your heart
But you will not find him,because,
you killed him by put your betrayed knife in his heart

maybe it will not happen,maybe your life will full of love
maybe you will never remember past.maybe you will forget All
But on the day when you will die,and your loving people will bury you
inside your grave,when you will realize,
all that who loves you,all that with you spend days & nights
all that for whom you cooked you serve,all that whose bed you warm
all that who impress by your beauty,all that who claim to love you
they all buried you here alone and gone

in that your loneliness,time will remind you,that man
who just dream to lay with you inside your grave,
who dream to bury together in one grave
But you will not find him
That day will realize you,whom you killed
That day will realize you,you killed a man
who don't wanted to be just partner of you life but to partner of your death
who don't wanted to be just partner of your bed but to partner of your grave
Then you will realize you betrayed killed,partner of your grave
Partner Of Your Grave, "

Mohammed Zaki Ansari , "Zaki's Gift Of Love"