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his watch  QUOTES

8 " Inside a wool jacket the man had made a pocket for the treasure and from time to time he would jiggle the pocket, just to make sure that it was still there. And when on the train he rode to work he would jiggle it there also, but he would disguise his jiggling of the treasure on the train by devising a distraction. For example, the man would pretend to be profoundly interested in something outside the train, such as the little girl who seemed to be jumping high up on a trampoline, just high enough so that she could spy the man on the train, and in this way he really did become quite interested in what occurred outside the train, although he would still jiggle the treasure, if only out of habit. Also on the train he'd do a crossword puzzle and check his watch by rolling up his sleeve; when he did so he almost fell asleep. Antoine often felt his life to be more tedious with this treasure, because in order not to be overly noticed he had deemed it wise to fall into as much a routine as possible and do everything as casually as possible, and so, as a consequence, despite the fact that he hated his wife and daughter, he didn't leave them, he came home to them every night and he ate the creamed chicken that his wife would prepare for him, he would accept the large, fleshy hand that would push him around while he sat around in his house in an attempt to read or watch the weather, he took out the trash, he got up on time every morning and took a quick, cold shower, he shaved, he accepted the cold eggs and orange juice and coffee, he picked the newspaper off the patio and took it inside with him to read her the top headlines, and of course he went to the job. "

9 " Do me a favor, Ro,” Day said calmly.

“What’s that?” Ronowski peeked around Johnson again.

“Johnson won’t be with you all the time. Remind me to kick your ass later,” Day said.

Ronowski came to stand in front of Day, looked at his watch and smirked. “Sure, what time works for you?”

Day looked at his watch too. “Uhhh, let’s see. How’s five thirty, is that good?”

“I just remembered I’m busy at five thirty.”

“So what time can you be there?”

“I can do five thirty-five.”

“Damn, that’s cutting it close. I might be a little late, but wait on my ass whippin’.”

“Will you dumb asses shut up? Lord help us…they’ve bonded.” The captain tried to suppress his laugh. “God, how the hell do you put up with Day’s mouth?”

“I got something that’ll make him shut him up,” God said in a deep voice.

Everyone groaned and scrunched their faces up in disgust.

“We don’t want to hear that shit, God. Ugh,” the captain said while pouring his cup of coffee.

God looked at Day and saw he wasn’t the slightest bit fazed and if he knew his lover—which he most certainly did—Day would not let him get the last word.

“It’s all a mind game that I play with God. He thinks he’s shutting me up…but when he’s finished with my mouth…I start talking again.” Day winked.

“I’m leaving. I should write your asses up for inappropriate conduct in front of a superior.” The captain hauled ass out of the room.

Johnson and Ronowski were shaking their heads too and telling Day “he sure knew how to clear a room.”

“I got to get back across town,” Johnson said and bent down and whispered something in Ronowski’s ear that made the man turn red.

God tried to pull Day away but he refused to budge. When Johnson said good-bye to them and left out the room, Day mock whispered to Ronowski. “I told you. One good pounding is all you—”

“For fucks sake, Leo,” Ronowski groaned, grabbing his soda hightailing it out of there before Day could finish his sentence. "

A.E. Via

10 " Syn pulled his boxers on and quietly left the bedroom, walking angrily to the kitchen. He turned the corner and wanted to throw a shit-fit at the sight before him. Day was standing at his stove loading some type of egg dish onto a plate before turning and setting it in front of God. God folded down one side of his newspaper, peering at Syn from behind it.

“Well good morning, sunshine,” Day said way too cheerily for five-fucking-a.m. “We brought breakfast.”

Syn clenched his jaw, trying not to yell at his superior officers. “Have you two lost your fuckin’ minds? Come on. It’s, it’s ... early.” Syn turned his wrist, forgetting he didn’t have his watch on yet. “Damn, you guys are always at the office, or at a crime scene, or over fucking here at god-awful hours.”

“Oh, it’s early?” Day said disbelievingly. God shrugged like he hadn’t realized either.

“Seriously. When the fuck do you guys sleep?”

“Never,” God said nonchalantly.

“When do you fuck?” Syn snapped.

“Always,” Day quipped. “Just did thirty minutes ago. Nice couch by the way, real comfy, sorry for the stain.” Syn tiredly flipped Day off.

“Don’t be pissed,” Day sing-songed. “A dab of Shout will get that right out.”

Syn rubbed angrily at his tired eyes, growling, “Day.”

“He’s not in a joking mood, sweetheart,” God said from behind his paper. “You know we didn’t fuck on your couch so calm the hell down. Damn you’re moody in the morning. Unless ... We weren’t interrupting anything, were we? So, how’s porn boy?” God’s gruff voice filled the kitchen, making Syn cringe.

“First of all. Don’t fucking call him that, ever, and damnit God. Lower your voice. Shit. He’s still asleep,” Syn berated his Lieutenant, who didn’t look the slightest bit fazed by Syn’s irritation. “You guys could let him sleep, he’s had a rough night, ya know.”

Day leaned his chest against God’s large back, draping his arms over his shoulders. “Oh damn, what kind of friends are we? It was rough, huh?” Day looked apologetic.

“Yes, it was, Day. He just–”

“Try water-based lube next time,” Day interrupted, causing God to choke on his eggs.

“Day, fuck.” Syn tried not to grin, but when he thought about it, it really was funny.

“I knew I’d get you to smile. Have some breakfast Sarge, we gotta go question the crazy chicks. You know how much people feel like sharing when they’ve spent a night in jail.”

“Damn. Alright, just let me–”

“Wow. Something smells great.” Furi’s deep voice reached them from down the hall as he made his way to the kitchen. “You cook babe? Who knew? I’ll have the Gladiator portion.” Furi used his best Roman accent as he sauntered into the kitchen with his hands on hips and his head high.

Syn turned just as Furi noticed God and Day.

“Oh, fuck, shit, Jesus Christ!” Furi stumbled, his eyes darting wildly between all of them. “Damn, I’m so sorry.” Furi looked at Syn trying to gauge exactly how much he’d fucked up just now.

Syn smiled at him and Furi immediately lost the horrified expression. Syn held his hand out and mouthed to him 'it's okay. "

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