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blubbered  QUOTES

2 " We strolled to the end of the platform. We came to a man with a signal lamp and I saw that as he passed us he looked at a conductor standing on another platform and made a drinking movement with his hand near his mouth. We stopped past the end of the roof and looked at the sun. " You see the sun, Koekebakker?" The sun was especially clear, right in front of us, close by, bigger and redder than I had ever seen it. It almost touched the rails, it didn't flash brightly on things anymore, there was a dull glow only on the frosted windowpanes of the train shed to the right of the track. " You think I'm drunk?" I did indeed. " It doesn't matter, Koekebakker, when I'm sober I don't understand anything anyway." " Do you understand what the sun wants from me? I have thirty-four setting suns leaning against the wall, one on top of the other, all facing the wall. But every evening it's there again." " Unless it's cloudy," I said. But he wouldn't let himself be distracted." Koekebakker, you've always been my best friend. I've known you since--how long has it been?" " Thirteen years. That's a long time. You know what you need to do? Do me a favor. You have a hatbox?" I didn't say anything." Put it in a hatbox, Koekebakker. In a hatbox. I want to be left alone. Put it in a hatbox, a plain old hatbox. That's all it's worth." Bavinck blubbered drunkard's tears. I looked around helplessly. A man in a uniform with a yellow stripe on his cap came up to us and spoke to me." I think it would be better, sir, if you took the gentleman home. "