He stopped and stared up at her, beguiled and enchanted by the beautiful features so near him. "Stop?" he muttered thickly. "I cannot. You say you do not want me. But you lie, Nicole, you have always lied. If you did not want me, this would not happen."

- Nicole & Christopher"/>

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" His mouth left her lips, traveling with a trail of fire down her neck to her breast, and breathlessly Nicole whispered, "Don't, please, Christopher, don't do this to me."

He stopped and stared up at her, beguiled and enchanted by the beautiful features so near him. "Stop?" he muttered thickly. "I cannot. You say you do not want me. But you lie, Nicole, you have always lied. If you did not want me, this would not happen."

- Nicole & Christopher "

Shirlee Busbee , Lady Vixen (Louisiana, #5)

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Shirlee Busbee quote : His mouth left her lips, traveling with a trail of fire down her neck to her breast, and breathlessly Nicole whispered,
He stopped and stared up at her, beguiled and enchanted by the beautiful features so near him. "Stop?" he muttered thickly. "I cannot. You say you do not want me. But you lie, Nicole, you have always lied. If you did not want me, this would not happen."

- Nicole & Christopher" style="width:100%;margin:20px 0;"/>