none denies Our signs but the unbelievers," (29:47) for they cover up the signs when they
recognise them through envy, meanness and injustice. We only see from Allah in respect of
Himself disconnection (tanzih) or non-disconnection by definition in any ayat which He has
sent down or in transmissions which have reached us from Him. Otherwise He has the Great
Mist (al-'Ama') (13) which has no air above it and no air beneath it. Allah was in it before He
created creation. Then He mentioned that He "established Himself firmly on the Throne."
(57:4) This is also definition. Then He mentioned that "He descends to the nearest heaven."
(14) This is also definition. Then He said that "He is in the heaven and in the earth," (15) and
"He is with us whever we are." (16) and He tells us that He is our source. We are limited, so
He only describes Himself by limitation."/>

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" Knowledge is perfected in the breasts of those who are given knowledge, "and
none denies Our signs but the unbelievers," (29:47) for they cover up the signs when they
recognise them through envy, meanness and injustice. We only see from Allah in respect of
Himself disconnection (tanzih) or non-disconnection by definition in any ayat which He has
sent down or in transmissions which have reached us from Him. Otherwise He has the Great
Mist (al-'Ama') (13) which has no air above it and no air beneath it. Allah was in it before He
created creation. Then He mentioned that He "established Himself firmly on the Throne."
(57:4) This is also definition. Then He mentioned that "He descends to the nearest heaven."
(14) This is also definition. Then He said that "He is in the heaven and in the earth," (15) and
"He is with us whever we are." (16) and He tells us that He is our source. We are limited, so
He only describes Himself by limitation. "

Ibn Arabi , The Bezels of Wisdom

Image for Quotes

Ibn Arabi quote : Knowledge is perfected in the breasts of those who are given knowledge, none denies Our signs but the unbelievers," (29:47) for they cover up the signs when they
recognise them through envy, meanness and injustice. We only see from Allah in respect of
Himself disconnection (tanzih) or non-disconnection by definition in any ayat which He has
sent down or in transmissions which have reached us from Him. Otherwise He has the Great
Mist (al-'Ama') (13) which has no air above it and no air beneath it. Allah was in it before He
created creation. Then He mentioned that He "established Himself firmly on the Throne."
(57:4) This is also definition. Then He mentioned that "He descends to the nearest heaven."
(14) This is also definition. Then He said that "He is in the heaven and in the earth," (15) and
"He is with us whever we are." (16) and He tells us that He is our source. We are limited, so
He only describes Himself by limitation." style="width:100%;margin:20px 0;"/>