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" Miss—Polly—Harrington!" he breathed. "You live with—HER!" "Yes; I'm her niece. She's taken me to bring up—on account of my mother, you know," faltered Pollyanna, in a low voice. "She was her sister. And after father—went to be with her and the rest of us in Heaven, there wasn't any one left for me down here but the Ladies' Aid; so she took me." The man did not answer. His face, as he lay back on the pillow now, was very white—so white that Pollyanna was frightened. She rose uncertainly to her feet. "I reckon maybe I'd better go now," she proposed. "I—I hope you'll like—the jelly." The man turned his head suddenly, and opened his eyes. There was a curious longing in their dark depths which even Pollyanna saw, "

Eleanor H. Porter , Pollyanna (Pollyanna, #1)

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Eleanor H. Porter quote : Miss—Polly—Harrington!