Anna's brows knit. "Damsels? You get sliced open, burned, and dashed against the rocks about a thousand times or so. Then we'll see who the damsel is."/>

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" You'd better come in handy. Something tells me we won't have time to be saving damsels in distress."
Anna's brows knit. "Damsels? You get sliced open, burned, and dashed against the rocks about a thousand times or so. Then we'll see who the damsel is. "

Kendare Blake , Girl of Nightmares (Anna, #2)

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Kendare Blake quote : You'd better come in handy. Something tells me we won't have time to be saving damsels in distress.Anna's brows knit. "Damsels? You get sliced open, burned, and dashed against the rocks about a thousand times or so. Then we'll see who the damsel is." style="width:100%;margin:20px 0;"/>