انت لا تعيش وحدك في هذا العالم هناك عادات وتقاليد كثيرة ومختلفة
هناك تجارب وطرق حياة مختلفة هناك ثقافات مختلفة ولهجات ولغات مختلفة
فالحقائق الثانوية ايضاً مختلفة.
اما الحقيقة المطلقه هي من اتفق عليها القاصي والداني
الأبيض والاسمر المشرق والمغرب.

"Whoever claims that the truth is with him is true and truthful, because he sees the truth from his personal point of view and experiences,
 But whoever claims that the truth is with him only and not others, he is unfortunately a prisoner within his idea, his eyes cannot see what is outside the prison that he himself built and imprison himself with him, he does not know that the facts have several aspects and each of us sees it according to his point of view and experiences in life. "
You do not live alone in this world, there are many different customs and traditions
There are different experiences and lifestyles there are different cultures, dialects and languages
Secondary facts are also different.
As for the absolute truth, it is agreed upon far and wide
White and brown east and wes"/>

Home > Author > Ahmed Abuelnaga >

" من أدعى أن الحق معه فهو محق وصادق، لأنه يرى الحق من وجهة نظره وتجاربه الشخصية،
لكن من أدعى أن الحق معه فقط دون غيره، فهو للأسف سجين داخل فكرته ،عيناه لا يمكنها ان ترى ما خارج السجن الذي بناه هو بنفسه وسجن نفسه به ، لا يعلم ان الحقائق لها عدة أوجه وكل منا يراها حسب وجهة نظره وتجاربه في الحياة. "
انت لا تعيش وحدك في هذا العالم هناك عادات وتقاليد كثيرة ومختلفة
هناك تجارب وطرق حياة مختلفة هناك ثقافات مختلفة ولهجات ولغات مختلفة
فالحقائق الثانوية ايضاً مختلفة.
اما الحقيقة المطلقه هي من اتفق عليها القاصي والداني
الأبيض والاسمر المشرق والمغرب.

"Whoever claims that the truth is with him is true and truthful, because he sees the truth from his personal point of view and experiences,
 But whoever claims that the truth is with him only and not others, he is unfortunately a prisoner within his idea, his eyes cannot see what is outside the prison that he himself built and imprison himself with him, he does not know that the facts have several aspects and each of us sees it according to his point of view and experiences in life. "
You do not live alone in this world, there are many different customs and traditions
There are different experiences and lifestyles there are different cultures, dialects and languages
Secondary facts are also different.
As for the absolute truth, it is agreed upon far and wide
White and brown east and wes "

Ahmed Abuelnaga

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Ahmed Abuelnaga quote : من أدعى أن الحق معه فهو محق وصادق، لأنه يرى الحق من وجهة نظره وتجاربه الشخصية،<br /> لكن من أدعى أن الحق معه فقط دون غيره، فهو للأسف سجين داخل فكرته ،عيناه لا يمكنها ان ترى ما خارج السجن الذي بناه هو بنفسه وسجن نفسه به ، لا يعلم ان الحقائق لها عدة أوجه وكل منا يراها حسب وجهة نظره وتجاربه في الحياة. انت لا تعيش وحدك في هذا العالم هناك عادات وتقاليد كثيرة ومختلفة
هناك تجارب وطرق حياة مختلفة هناك ثقافات مختلفة ولهجات ولغات مختلفة
فالحقائق الثانوية ايضاً مختلفة.
اما الحقيقة المطلقه هي من اتفق عليها القاصي والداني
الأبيض والاسمر المشرق والمغرب.

"Whoever claims that the truth is with him is true and truthful, because he sees the truth from his personal point of view and experiences,
 But whoever claims that the truth is with him only and not others, he is unfortunately a prisoner within his idea, his eyes cannot see what is outside the prison that he himself built and imprison himself with him, he does not know that the facts have several aspects and each of us sees it according to his point of view and experiences in life. "
You do not live alone in this world, there are many different customs and traditions
There are different experiences and lifestyles there are different cultures, dialects and languages
Secondary facts are also different.
As for the absolute truth, it is agreed upon far and wide
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